O Pet Fashion Week SP teve sua primeira edição em Abril de 2010. e abre agora espaço para novas inscrições. Confira abaixo alguns dos destaques da programação para a segunda edição:
Trade Show: o espaço contará com 40 estandes da mais renomadas marcas nacionais e internacionais que irão apresentar ao mercado brasileiro as principais novidades em roupas, acessórios e produtos para animais.
Área de visitação:
Primeiro Desfile:
Concurso de Tosa: terá ênfase em criatividade, voltado para profissionais da área. Participam da competição 8 tosadores, todos brasileiros.
Fonte: http://www.petfashionweeksp.com/
The Pet Fashion Week SP had its first edition in April 2010. and now opens space for new entries. Check out some of the highlights of the lineup for the second edition:
Trade Show: The space will feature 40 booths at the most renowned national and international brands that will provide the Brazilian market is new in clothing, accessories and pet products.
Visitation area:
* Trade Show
* Pet Store
* Coffee Lounge
* Contest Tosa
* Exhibitions
* Stands for sponsors
* Simultaneous transmission of the parade
* Project design finalists
Parades: to be broadcast live on the Internet, the parade will accommodate 200 guests and will have the following formats
First Parade:
* Carrying case (strollers, handbag and purse)
* Collars (leather, custom, crystals and stones)
* Jewelry
Second Parade:
* Clothing
* Shoes
* Accessories
Charity Fashion Show: featuring celebrities and their dogs with the ticket sales donated to the Institute.
Contest Tosa, will focus on creativity, aimed at professionals. Participate in the competition eight groomers, all Brazilians.
Source: http://www.petfashionweeksp.com/
Trade Show: o espaço contará com 40 estandes da mais renomadas marcas nacionais e internacionais que irão apresentar ao mercado brasileiro as principais novidades em roupas, acessórios e produtos para animais.
Área de visitação:
- Trade Show
- Pet Store
- Café Lounge
- Concurso de Tosa
- Exposições
- Estandes de patrocinadores
- Transmissão simultânea do desfile
- Projetos finalistas do concurso de design
Primeiro Desfile:
- Mala de transporte (carrinhos, mala de mão e bolsa)
- Coleiras (couro, customizadas, de cristais e pedras)
- Jóias
- Roupas
- Sapatos
- Acessórios
Concurso de Tosa: terá ênfase em criatividade, voltado para profissionais da área. Participam da competição 8 tosadores, todos brasileiros.
Fonte: http://www.petfashionweeksp.com/
The Pet Fashion Week SP had its first edition in April 2010. and now opens space for new entries. Check out some of the highlights of the lineup for the second edition:
Trade Show: The space will feature 40 booths at the most renowned national and international brands that will provide the Brazilian market is new in clothing, accessories and pet products.
Visitation area:
* Trade Show
* Pet Store
* Coffee Lounge
* Contest Tosa
* Exhibitions
* Stands for sponsors
* Simultaneous transmission of the parade
* Project design finalists
Parades: to be broadcast live on the Internet, the parade will accommodate 200 guests and will have the following formats
First Parade:
* Carrying case (strollers, handbag and purse)
* Collars (leather, custom, crystals and stones)
* Jewelry
Second Parade:
* Clothing
* Shoes
* Accessories
Charity Fashion Show: featuring celebrities and their dogs with the ticket sales donated to the Institute.
Contest Tosa, will focus on creativity, aimed at professionals. Participate in the competition eight groomers, all Brazilians.
Source: http://www.petfashionweeksp.com/
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